Saturday, April 16, 2011

Livin in the world of my own

Dear Diary,

There is a saying " A mountain cannot have 2 tigers" I wonder if this is true in reality or if it is just a Chinese wisdom by the generation back then....well right now, there are 2 wild tigers on mountain, i wonder what will happen,... will there be war for territory or peaceful agreement on the property ?
This little tiger has just reached this new mountain after a few months of traveling, it met this another tiger who lived at the ancient mountain for the longest time she has ever known, this tiger welcomes the little cub for shelter for as long as the cub needs it, however after awhile things got a little heated up as the wise tiger and the cub are having a different thoughts on how to make the ancient mountain better.......

Who would have thought fate bought this two tigers together? I wonder in the old times how would these tigers sort out the problem?

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