Sunday, May 22, 2011

The little unspoken feeling

Dear diary,

My heart felt a little weird today...there is this feeling that i do not know how to describe...its affecting me..a lil...i become the unusual much that i think i need a lil drink of alcohol to get me to this because i am not happy with what i am doing now...or a lil part of what i am doing...I have this feeling that i am not happy to be involved in a club...i just don't felt like doing it makes me think... why do i have to torture myself...why do i have to live up to people's expectation? and not i live for my own or others? but it's not easy to get out of the maze that i have just happily put myself in the first place...i believe i am no longer me... the one i used to be....maybe this is good....every little path that i take would sculpt my future...

The most important thing is to live in the present as each past is history....something to be taken into account and to be remember and let it serve as a lesson to me....

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